Despite the shortage of the brides in number when compared to the number of bride-grooms, due to various reasons including the preference to male child birth, there is an increasing trend in the late marriage of girls. This is due to socio-economic imbalances. Now a days the girls are earning equally and some times more than the boys. They are working equally with the men in the fields of works related to education, computer and intellectual jobs. This has resulted in no time to think about marriage. The institution of marriage is considered to be an obstacle in an otherwise progressing material and social aspects of a girl. But the main reason behind the late marriage is due to the anomalies in the horoscopes of the brides. The main fields of operation in a horoscope of late marriage are the ( a ) The afflictions to 7th house ( b ) The afflictions to Jupiter , the significator of marriage to the 7th house for women ( c ) The afflictions to Mars resulting in what is known as Kuja Dosha . ( d ) And finally afflictions to the houses 3, 7 and 9, according to Dr. Commander Selvam , in his Yoga Craft .Com. ( a ) Afflictions to 7th house : The important points for consideration in studying the afflictions to the 7th house are ??
* (1)
* The occupation and ownership of malefics. (2)
* The aspect of malefics on the 7th house. (3)
* The position and aspects of separative planets ?? The Sun, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and ruler of 12th house. (4)
* The position of the 7th house Lord . (5)
The position of Jupiter, as significator of marriage in a female horoscopy.
The Seventh house is the descendant in a horoscope. It is the house which complements and supplements to the ascendant. The union of the First house and the Seventh house is the Dharma and ultimate aim of all the beings. Without one another, there is no completeness. There is no meaning to the life. Praying God together, begetting the off-springs together, leading a moral life together are the injunctions of Vedas and the wise. Any Dosha such as Kalasarpa Dosha, will definitely act as an obstacle of marriage in a horoscope. All the Doshas are to be removed first. The Yogas in a horoscope are to be studied. By worshipping the planets and their deities which are causing delay in marriage, the girl will have an early marriage and prosperity and meaning in her life. It is only when the marriage is unduly and hopelessly delayed, then only the parents start thinking about the marriage. Then they start consulting the astrologers. ( b ) The afflictions to Jupiter : The Jupiter is the significator or Karaka of marriage in a woman??s horoscope. The Jupiter is benevolent. He can overcome all the afflictions and bestow his grace on the subject. But one important consideration is that when Jupiter is Retrograde, He may cause delay in marriage. In Vedic astrology, the retrograde planet is powerful . But the planet in retrograde indicate the past Karma of the subject and this cannot be easily remedied. The Jupiter is a strict disciplinarian. He expects the subject to be disciplined and then worship Jupiter. Jupiter is Dhanakaraka; Jupiter is Bhagyakaraka. Jupiter is all powerful and He can destroy our sins. He can make the other planets to behave by His aspects. Jupiter stands for Dharma. Jupiter stands for Religion. Jupiter stands for ceremonies , pomp and show. There is no meaning in secretly worshipping Jupiter. Yet Jupiter is beyond one??s reach. Only discipline may please Him. He possesses infinite knowledge. A knowledge of God, Brahma. He is called Brihaspathi and Brahmanaspathi. Here one important socio-economic change is to be considered with respect to Jupiter as Karaka of 7th house of marriage. Now a days most of the girls are working. A working girl is an asset to the parents and the family; But a married girl is a burden in the family. Getting the girl married in time is the Dharma of all the parents. But the mind of the girl and the parents alike acting under the influence of malefics mostly the Mars , would be thinking differently. The change in socio-economic trends suggest altogether a different picture. The natural values of sex, marriage, family and child bearing have become out dated. In its place, the money , the show of money, those luxuries which money can buy have been substituted. That is the main reason, the parents and the girl start thinking of marriage lately, by which time it forms a delay which cannot be easily condonable. That is where the Jupiter comes in and says follow discipline and Dharma. If the discipline and Dharma are back seated, naturally, The Jupiter does not significate the house No.7.
( c ) The afflictions to Mars : Mars causes obstructions to marriage, if placed in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses. This is known as Kuja Dosha. Exceptions are Aries to 1st, Scorpio to 4th , Capricorn or Pisces to 7th and Cancer to 8th and it is 12th for Sagittarius ascendants. Afflictions to Mars have special interpretations concerning the chastity of a woman. But this cannot be loosely interpreted, since they have repercussions on the family life. Since the ancient astrologers themselves have cautioned against these unsavoury predictions, it is better to avoid it completely. A small and inadvertent mistake on the part of the astrologer may lead to complications. The whole family is affected by the concept of loose and immoral character of a woman. For more of Mars effect, the readers are advised to read articles on Mars, About Mars, Blame it on Mars, There is a Mars in my kitchen, by this author. The Mars factor operates in the field of energy and prowess. This in turn applied to marriage factor, the sex becomes predominant. The social scientists have researched and found that now a days the sex in youth is hardened. The sex element is being deteriorated. Once upon a time , the blush, the look, the lovely limbs, which attracted the opposite sex, are diminished in values; [ May refer to the poem The forsaken city of Ayodhya- which starts like this: Where the lovely maidens washed their lovely limbs.. by W.B.Yeats ] . The blush and the angled looks of the maidens have become the things of the past. Both qualitatively and quantitatively. In its place the hard sex, exposure and vulgarity are predominant. Even then there is no sex element. The youth are loosing their salt. There is no urge for sex and hence the marriage. By the time the parents and the youth think of marriage, its sanctity and values are derogated. By that time it becomes only a formality, status and prestige issue. Marry Very Early Made Jane Shake Up Neville??s Pillow. A Shakespearean quote to remember the Nine planets, wherein while each first letter in the sentence representing a planet, the sentence itself may be suggestive of the necessity of early marriage. If one thinks of marriage in early stages, the remedies to the obstructions in a horoscope are followed, the late marriages can be averted. Any how better late than never. ( d ) Afflictions to houses 3, 7 & 9 ,: This is again , the position and aspects of the separative and malefic planets on these houses. Mainly the residence of these planets are considered much. Dr. Selvam does not assign reasons as to why these houses are to be considered ? The significator for the Third house is Mars as energy and prowess; The field of activity being power, brothers, friends, motivation and interest. The significators for the Ninth house are Jupiter and Saturn representing Dharma and father respectively. The field of activity being Dharma, grace, fortune and father. The considerations for the houses 3, 7 & 9 are general in nature and not specifically with respect to marriage, unlike house no. 7. While suggesting a remedy for an astrological problem, the astrologer must be specific. His duty is to find out where the planet obstructs. Then only an effective remedy can be suggested.
Sreenivasamurthy Kubatoor, is an advocate by profession, Study and research in various subjects, including Science, Medical,Philosophy. Remembering Agatha Christie through the titles of these Astrology articles, makes one understand the subject in a different perspective. There is a Mars in my kitchen, Blame it on Mars etc., are some of the interesting articles by the author. The present article has a social science background.
Why did they not ask Heavens? The Case of the Missing Bridegroom in Women Horoscopy
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