"I??m Capricorn, you??re Leo, my mother is Taurus and the neighbor is Aquarius."
Does this sound familiar? I believe so. Nowadays, most of us know our zodiacal sign and the interest we have for this subject is continuously growing. But how many of us actually know what a horoscope and a chart are?
The answer: few! This is why so many questions and interpretations get born, a thing that ultimately leads to the defamation of astrology. You don??t need to be an astrologer to know some things about astrology, some elements that will help you.
This article was made for the specific purpose of explaining briefly and without details, what a horoscope is and what are the main components of a chart.
First of all, what does it mean that I??m Capricorn and you??re Leo? The basic zodiacal sign we keep talking about is given by the Sun??s position at birth. Therefore, I??m Capricorn because the Sun was in Capricorn when I was given birth. You can identify this when you make a chart. The chart represents the astral map of an entity (individual, community etc.) at a certain time. It contains a lot of elements that help at making a horoscope or an astrologic analysis.
For making a horoscope or an astrologic analysis you need three elements:
- The zodiacal sign
- The planets
- The astrological houses
At all this you can add a lot of other elements that bring more information.
The planets
There are 10 planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) and they represent a certain characteristic of an individual, a certain type of energy.
For example, the Sun represents our basic personality, our ego, the conscious, while the Moon represents our subconscious and emotions. So when I say I??m Capricorn, I actually say that my basic personality has all of Capricorn??s characteristics. But the fact that I have the Moon in Pisces, for example, makes my emotions similar to the zodiacal sign of Pisces. The same way, Mercury represents the mentality, the way we think and communicate; Venus represents the feeling and the things we like, while Mars represents our basic energy.
The planets form between themselves many angles and relations. These relations can be: harmonically (those of 60,120,0 degrees) and un-harmonically (45,90,180 degrees).
The zodiacal signs
There are 12 zodiacal signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) and I??m sure you know them very well. They represent certain characteristics that have a strong influence on the planets. A Moon in Aries will be totally different then a Moon in Libra.
The astrological houses
The 12 astrological houses symbolize the activity sectors in every person??s life. These are being calculated according to the hour and the place of birth. These can have different sizes (in degrees). For example, the 7th house symbolizes the partner, marriage, contractual relationships etc. The 10th is the house of carrier and social elevation.
About the houses, there is an aspect that was a mandatory role: the first grade of a house is called cusps (or cuspis). There are 4 big cusps: the Ascendant (1st house), the Middle of the sky (10th house), the Descendant (7th house) and the Bottom of the sky (4th house). The one most known is the Ascendant, which according to the zodiacal sign it??s in, it symbolizes the qualities one must gain during this lifetime.
To make an astrological analyze, one must count all this factors plus a lot of others a thing that depends on each astrologer in part.
The idea of this article was to show you that each individual is unique in its own way and not all from the same zodiacal sign are the same. Also the prediction on TV or on the newspapers even thought they might be correct, don??t apply to all during that period of time.
What is a Horoscope-a Small Introduction Into Astrology
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Seputar Jogja
1:22 AM
Label: Astrology
What Is A Horoscope?
In astrology, a horoscope is a detailed chart plotting the geocentric positions of the planets and other celestial bodies in relation to earth. They are charted in relation to a specific place and time of an event, such as someone??s birth.
The word ??horoscope?? is derived from the Greek word ??horoskopos?? (pl. ??horoskopoi??) which literally means ??a look at the hours.?? In everyday conversation, ??horoscope?? can also refer to an astrologer??s interpretation of the astrological diagram.
If an astrologer were to look at someone??s horoscope in relation to their birth, they would look at a chart of the positions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars relative to the person??s birthplace on earth. In other words, the horoscope would show where everything in the universe was in relation to everything else when the person was born. It would show where each planet and major star was in relation to earth at the exact time of their birth.
The first horoscope is thought to be from 409 B.C. From there its popularity spread to the East along with the Roman conquerors and then spread to Western Europe, where it was regarded as a science.
Horoscopes are now a source of interest for many people across the globe who want to know more about themselves and others.
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Seputar Jogja
1:18 AM
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What is Numerology?
Each day, we are exposed to numbers. We have phone numbers, birthdates, even our financial information is driven by numbers. Numerology is the study of the numbers in our lives and how they affect us. A student of numerology uses the letters in a word, such as a full name, or a birth date and reduces that to a single number. That number tells them certain things about the person's character, what strengths and weaknesses they possess; it can even be used to predict their future. Numerology is often closely associated astrology as astrologists assigned the numbers 0 through 9 to each celestial body in the solar system and each number has its own set of values.
Numerology has been around for thousands of years. The Egyptians and Babylonians both used it over 10,000 years ago. Pythagoras, a mathematician whose theories are still in use today, is believed to have official organized numerology in Greece over 2,500 years ago. He held the view that math concepts were easier to regulate and classify than physical ones. Others beliefs and writings important in the development of numerology were early Christian mysticism, the Chinese Circle of the Dead, the Kabbalah, and the Indian Vedas. At the beginning of the 20th century, L. Dow Balliet published the first book about numerology, beginning what is known as the modern phase of numerology and interest in it grew over the next few decades. Recently, a revival of interest in numerology has occurred and many people are learning how numbers might affect them.
Although methods may vary, typically a numerologist reduces a word or number using a procedure called digit summing. If the numerologist is dealing with a number, such as a birth date, they add up all the numbers. If the sum is two or more digits, then those numbers are added until there is a single digit left. When dealing with a word, such as a name, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number. For example, A =1, B = 2, C = 3. Then the same steps as above are followed - the numbers are summed until one digit remains. Some numerologists will not break numbers that total 11, 22, or 33. These are known as master numbers and are considered to have higher vibrations as than the numbers they would create if digitally summed.
Below is a brief definition of each number:
One - Because it is the first number, one is seen as having great power. Usually seen as "male," one can be happy, loving and dynamic while also being alone and egotistical.
Two - Associated with "female" energy, two often represents partnerships and interacting with others. It can also stand for the polar opposites of things such as black and white or good and evil. This number is best symbolized by the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang.
Three - Three is often related to learning through life experiences. It is often considered lucky and magical. It can mean both wisdom and understanding, yet also be foolish and negative.
Four - The first composite number (the first number to be created by multiplying numbers other than one and itself), four is associated with the four cardinal points (North, South, East and West), the four Gospels of the Bible, and time (four seasons, roughly four weeks in each month). It is a homonym for the Chinese word for "death," therefore; some hospitals do not have a fourth floor.
Five - Five is related with the five senses (smell, touch, taste, hearing, and sight) and often represents service to others as well as openness to new experiences, but it can also represent an addictive personality.
Six - The number six relates to beauty and often helps in building relationships. It is believed to hold charm, sensuality, and diplomacy. Six is also considered the mother/father number.
Seven - A spiritual number, seven can be both dreamy and spiritual while also being deceptive and insincere.
Eight - Eight represents hard work and life lessons. Because of that, eight is seen as seeking financial and material success, but is also associated with the hardships encountered while seeking both.
Nine - A sacred number, nine is viewed as a humanitarian number and holds mystical significance due to the nine-month gestational period for humans.
Numerology has been around for thousands of years. As with astrology, some see numerology as an occult science with little meaning, while others see it as a viable way to help them understand themselves and the world around them.
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Seputar Jogja
1:13 AM
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Label: Astrology, numerology
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Seputar Jogja
11:18 AM
Label: articles
What's Astrology Good For?
You usually find it on the comics page. Most people who read it make jokes about it; some, under their breath, comment on how spooky it is...
This is not astrology. Consider:
If someone wrote a column that broke all of us down into 12 "types" then proceeded to tell us what diseases we had, would you call that Medicine?
I've been an astrologer for over 36 years and I have a couple of things to say about what it's worth.
First, it is worth studying for the Meaning it can add to our lives. Care must be taken here, though. Any astrologer that says it can predict your future is Dead Wrong.
Second, it's good for broadening our understanding of just how many factors go to make up a complete person. We All Have All Twelve Signs In Our Natures! No one is lacking any of them. In a complete chart they are all there. True, most people have 4 or 5 emphasized but we all have all twelve.
Diposting oleh
Seputar Jogja
1:11 AM
Label: Astrology
What's the Deal with Sedona, Arizona?
A friend once told me of a place called Sedona, Arizona. She went on to say that Sedona was one of the five places on Earth to be of a sensitive hot spot of the world. Sedona is a hotspot for many of the metaphysical world. Each person's experience will vary once there. For some they encounter vibrations, some are able to see visions, and some can speak to the other side.
Sedona is full of psychics and mediums. The Cathedral Rocks is claimed for its Vortex. Some have stated that they have seen UFOs and Angels here. I've seen pictures and some of the rock formations look very magical. Some of the rocks have images of faces. I can't say for sure if it is what it seems to be, but many are drawn to this location after seeing the surreal pictures.
It is located south of Flagstaff. In the past many shamans and medicine men went to the Vortex for spiritual cleansing and other things. I've always been drawn to the things of this world that are often overlooked. There have been no official investigations to those that claim Sedona's magical nature.
It is documented that many of those that have come here, were healed from their ailments. Each person will come to a different conclusion. I think it's something that should be checked out fully.
Jeffery S. Miller is the author of Higgins: An American Story. Miller invites you to check out his website and pick up a copy of Higgins. It has hailed excellent reviews since it's release. You won't be disappointed. Miller is an Author, National Award Winner, Former Talk Show Host, Retired Professional Wrestler, and Inventor.
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Seputar Jogja
1:09 AM
Label: Sedona
Which Element of the Horoscope are You?
No doubt that millions of persons begin their journey rushing through the newspapers to see the daily horoscope. We want the horoscope to tell us positive things will happen in the next 24 hours, like how will somebody look at us nicely, how fast we will be rich, or our love compatibility. In contrast, we are less interested to come up with a horror-scope like ??today is not your day for love, business deals are not in the stars for you today.??
But first of all, which element of the horoscope are You? Hmm?? don??t really know what the horoscope is? Well, the horoscope is an astrological chart for a specific person or group that correlates each zodiac sign as they are crossed by the Sun, Moon and planets and the position of planets in astrology. Now, the elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water are based on ancient Greek philosophy; they are the building blocks of life: the solid earth upon which we stand, the running water we use as a resource, the air we breathe and the fire which keeps us warm and aids in the creation of additional resources. The horoscope elements reflect a quality of human nature and correspond also with the Tarot: Fire = Wands; Earth = Coins; Air = Swords; Water = Cups.
Here are the list of the Sun Signs elements, but if you still don??t know, ask mom for your birthday and keep reading this:
1. Earth Signs
Well-grounded, and realistic, your earth sign makes sure you stay in the real world. When it comes to friendship, no-one is more rock steady than you. A builder of long-lasting bonds, you are talented in business and good with money. You find fulfillment in seeing tangible results for your efforts.
Earth signs are: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Taurus (April 21 ?? May 21): They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank. The ruling planet for Taurus is Venus; the color of choice is Pink, and its star stone is the Emerald.
Virgo (August 23 ?? September 23): They need the stimulus of practical problems to be solved rather than the mere routine or working to set specifications that need no thought. The ruling planet for Virgo is Mercury; the colors are Green and Dark Brown, and its star stone is the Sardonyx.
Capricorn (December 22 ?? January 20): They plan carefully to fulfill their ambitions; they are economical without meanness, and able to achieve great results due to their organizing ability. The ruling planet for Capricorn is Saturn; the color of choice is Brown, and its star stone is the Black Onyx.
2. Fire Signs
These three are the sexiest signs in the Horoscope. Enthusiastic and creative, courageous and spontaneous, confident and fun-loving, you are ardent in love. Other cooler signs may be dazzled by your bright flame. Fire signs are: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.
Leo (July 23 ?? August 22): Their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bring out the best of loyalty from subordinates. The ruling planet for Leo is the Sun; the color of choice is Gold, and its star stone is the red Ruby.
Aries (March 21 ?? April 20): The Arian is a pioneer both in thought and action, adventurous, ambitious, and impulsive. The ruling planet for Aries is Mars; the color of choice is Red, and its star stone is the precious Diamond.
Sagittarius (November 23 ?? December 21): Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. The ruling planet for Sagittarius is Jupiter; the color of choice is the Rich Purple, and its star stone is the Topaz.
3. Air Signs
These three are the most intellectual signs of the Horoscope. Their skills make them great thinkers and problems solvers.
Air signs are: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Gemini (May 22 ?? June 21): Since they lack the quality of conscientiousness, they are apt to fight a losing battle in any attempts they make to be moral. The ruling planet for Gemini is Mercury; the color of choice is Green, and its star stone is the Agate.
Libra (September 24 ?? October 23): Librans are sensitive and have the psychic gift of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism. The ruling planet for Libra is Venus; the color of choice is Blues, and its star stone is the Sapphire.
Aquarius (January 21 ?? February 19): Many are psychically intuitive to the Age of Aquarius, an age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening. The ruling planet for Aquarius is Uranus; the color of choice is Turquoise, and its star stone is the Turquoise.
4. Water Signs
These three always stay tuned to their feelings, conscious and subconscious, with a level of intuitiveness sometimes bordering on the psychic. Water is the element of the poet, which have them ready to interpret the universe.
Air signs are: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Cancer (June 22 ?? July 22): The Cancerian character is the least clear-cut of all those associated with the signs of the zodiac: It can range from the timid, dull, shy and withdrawn to the most brilliant, and famous. The ruling planet for Cancer is the Moon; the color of choice is Silver, and its star stone is the Pearl.
Scorpio (October 24 ?? November 22): They are like a volcano; they can erupt at any moment. Their tenacity and willpower are immense. The ruling planet for Scorpio is Pluto; the color of choice is dark Red to Maroon, and its star stone is Opal.
Pisces (February 20 ?? March 20): They are more readily concerned with the problems of others than with their own. Their psychic and spiritual qualities can lead them into careers in the church or as mediums and mystics. They are also sexually delicate. The ruling planet for Pisces is Neptune; the color of choice is soft Sea Green, and its star stone is the Moonstone.
Diposting oleh
Seputar Jogja
1:06 AM
Label: Horoscope
Why are we Fascinated with Astrology?
In the 1920's, there was a big sensation in the US. Two sisters had photographed fairies flying around flowers in their garden. It was an unbelievable event. The two gave interviews and talked stuff. It was after more than sixty years that one sister revealed the whole thing was a hoax. The fairies were made of paper. Nonetheless they captured public imagination. It was something different and unbelievable, but was revealed a hoax later.
But thousands of paranormal and supernatural things remain the way they are- uncanny and unimaginable. No one has explanations. All the same, people love to know more and indulge in these pursuits.Very often we have astrologers predicting events. Most people love the opportunity to get one's palm read by an astrologer.
Believe the stuff or scoff at it. But the whole idea is fascinating to humans. Many people read the headlines of a newspaper later, but read their horoscope first. Astrologers and fortune tellers may talk in deceptive and ambiguous terms. Knowing the same, people flock to them.
Science and scientists try a lot. They never come up with satisfying explanations to paranormal and psychic stuff. Human beings are a curious lot. Issues with explanations satisfy them. But things with no explanations fascinate them. Take this one. Former US presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy - Kennedy's life was very nearly a copy of Lincoln's. Both became presidents after similar victories. Held office for nearly same number of days. Both were assassinated outside a theater near their car. The name of the killer was the same in both cases. These two incidents happened more than eighty years apart. Science does not have any explanation to this. People are intrigued by such happenings.
Human minds are adventurous. Always in search of thrills. No wonder, why horror movies are so popular. Everyone knows it's all make believe. People still get white with fear inside cinemas and dream of ghosts for next few days. Calling spirits of dead people has become an industry in Britain. You have Gypsy ladies peering in a psychic glass ball and calling spirits of the dead people you want to get in contact with. Forget the common man, British aristocracy has been known to visit them more than anyone else.
Science-fiction -a word that sums up the topic. All the science-fiction novels, movies is make-believe. Nothing is real but every thing's in a proper scientific way. Giant spaceships, alien landings, UFOs kidnapping people all happen in science fiction. Actually there's a group of people in US who claim to have been kidnapped by UFOs. They believe, they have had extra-terrestrial contact. What's true, what's not only time will tell.
Now if there were a time machine to travel in the future like in the movies...
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Seputar Jogja
1:04 AM
Label: articles
Why did they not ask Heavens? The Case of the Missing Bridegroom in Women Horoscopy
Despite the shortage of the brides in number when compared to the number of bride-grooms, due to various reasons including the preference to male child birth, there is an increasing trend in the late marriage of girls. This is due to socio-economic imbalances. Now a days the girls are earning equally and some times more than the boys. They are working equally with the men in the fields of works related to education, computer and intellectual jobs. This has resulted in no time to think about marriage. The institution of marriage is considered to be an obstacle in an otherwise progressing material and social aspects of a girl. But the main reason behind the late marriage is due to the anomalies in the horoscopes of the brides. The main fields of operation in a horoscope of late marriage are the ( a ) The afflictions to 7th house ( b ) The afflictions to Jupiter , the significator of marriage to the 7th house for women ( c ) The afflictions to Mars resulting in what is known as Kuja Dosha . ( d ) And finally afflictions to the houses 3, 7 and 9, according to Dr. Commander Selvam , in his Yoga Craft .Com. ( a ) Afflictions to 7th house : The important points for consideration in studying the afflictions to the 7th house are ??
* (1)
* The occupation and ownership of malefics. (2)
* The aspect of malefics on the 7th house. (3)
* The position and aspects of separative planets ?? The Sun, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and ruler of 12th house. (4)
* The position of the 7th house Lord . (5)
The position of Jupiter, as significator of marriage in a female horoscopy.
The Seventh house is the descendant in a horoscope. It is the house which complements and supplements to the ascendant. The union of the First house and the Seventh house is the Dharma and ultimate aim of all the beings. Without one another, there is no completeness. There is no meaning to the life. Praying God together, begetting the off-springs together, leading a moral life together are the injunctions of Vedas and the wise. Any Dosha such as Kalasarpa Dosha, will definitely act as an obstacle of marriage in a horoscope. All the Doshas are to be removed first. The Yogas in a horoscope are to be studied. By worshipping the planets and their deities which are causing delay in marriage, the girl will have an early marriage and prosperity and meaning in her life. It is only when the marriage is unduly and hopelessly delayed, then only the parents start thinking about the marriage. Then they start consulting the astrologers. ( b ) The afflictions to Jupiter : The Jupiter is the significator or Karaka of marriage in a woman??s horoscope. The Jupiter is benevolent. He can overcome all the afflictions and bestow his grace on the subject. But one important consideration is that when Jupiter is Retrograde, He may cause delay in marriage. In Vedic astrology, the retrograde planet is powerful . But the planet in retrograde indicate the past Karma of the subject and this cannot be easily remedied. The Jupiter is a strict disciplinarian. He expects the subject to be disciplined and then worship Jupiter. Jupiter is Dhanakaraka; Jupiter is Bhagyakaraka. Jupiter is all powerful and He can destroy our sins. He can make the other planets to behave by His aspects. Jupiter stands for Dharma. Jupiter stands for Religion. Jupiter stands for ceremonies , pomp and show. There is no meaning in secretly worshipping Jupiter. Yet Jupiter is beyond one??s reach. Only discipline may please Him. He possesses infinite knowledge. A knowledge of God, Brahma. He is called Brihaspathi and Brahmanaspathi. Here one important socio-economic change is to be considered with respect to Jupiter as Karaka of 7th house of marriage. Now a days most of the girls are working. A working girl is an asset to the parents and the family; But a married girl is a burden in the family. Getting the girl married in time is the Dharma of all the parents. But the mind of the girl and the parents alike acting under the influence of malefics mostly the Mars , would be thinking differently. The change in socio-economic trends suggest altogether a different picture. The natural values of sex, marriage, family and child bearing have become out dated. In its place, the money , the show of money, those luxuries which money can buy have been substituted. That is the main reason, the parents and the girl start thinking of marriage lately, by which time it forms a delay which cannot be easily condonable. That is where the Jupiter comes in and says follow discipline and Dharma. If the discipline and Dharma are back seated, naturally, The Jupiter does not significate the house No.7.
( c ) The afflictions to Mars : Mars causes obstructions to marriage, if placed in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses. This is known as Kuja Dosha. Exceptions are Aries to 1st, Scorpio to 4th , Capricorn or Pisces to 7th and Cancer to 8th and it is 12th for Sagittarius ascendants. Afflictions to Mars have special interpretations concerning the chastity of a woman. But this cannot be loosely interpreted, since they have repercussions on the family life. Since the ancient astrologers themselves have cautioned against these unsavoury predictions, it is better to avoid it completely. A small and inadvertent mistake on the part of the astrologer may lead to complications. The whole family is affected by the concept of loose and immoral character of a woman. For more of Mars effect, the readers are advised to read articles on Mars, About Mars, Blame it on Mars, There is a Mars in my kitchen, by this author. The Mars factor operates in the field of energy and prowess. This in turn applied to marriage factor, the sex becomes predominant. The social scientists have researched and found that now a days the sex in youth is hardened. The sex element is being deteriorated. Once upon a time , the blush, the look, the lovely limbs, which attracted the opposite sex, are diminished in values; [ May refer to the poem The forsaken city of Ayodhya- which starts like this: Where the lovely maidens washed their lovely limbs.. by W.B.Yeats ] . The blush and the angled looks of the maidens have become the things of the past. Both qualitatively and quantitatively. In its place the hard sex, exposure and vulgarity are predominant. Even then there is no sex element. The youth are loosing their salt. There is no urge for sex and hence the marriage. By the time the parents and the youth think of marriage, its sanctity and values are derogated. By that time it becomes only a formality, status and prestige issue. Marry Very Early Made Jane Shake Up Neville??s Pillow. A Shakespearean quote to remember the Nine planets, wherein while each first letter in the sentence representing a planet, the sentence itself may be suggestive of the necessity of early marriage. If one thinks of marriage in early stages, the remedies to the obstructions in a horoscope are followed, the late marriages can be averted. Any how better late than never. ( d ) Afflictions to houses 3, 7 & 9 ,: This is again , the position and aspects of the separative and malefic planets on these houses. Mainly the residence of these planets are considered much. Dr. Selvam does not assign reasons as to why these houses are to be considered ? The significator for the Third house is Mars as energy and prowess; The field of activity being power, brothers, friends, motivation and interest. The significators for the Ninth house are Jupiter and Saturn representing Dharma and father respectively. The field of activity being Dharma, grace, fortune and father. The considerations for the houses 3, 7 & 9 are general in nature and not specifically with respect to marriage, unlike house no. 7. While suggesting a remedy for an astrological problem, the astrologer must be specific. His duty is to find out where the planet obstructs. Then only an effective remedy can be suggested.
Sreenivasamurthy Kubatoor, is an advocate by profession, Study and research in various subjects, including Science, Medical,Philosophy. Remembering Agatha Christie through the titles of these Astrology articles, makes one understand the subject in a different perspective. There is a Mars in my kitchen, Blame it on Mars etc., are some of the interesting articles by the author. The present article has a social science background.
Diposting oleh
Seputar Jogja
1:00 AM
Label: Shortage of brides
Yanthras ,Explored Enigmas!
The Word Yanthra is of Sanskrit origin means ??Machine?? in English. The terminology is used here with reference to Mystical Diagrams representing Universal energy.
From time immemorial cross section of civilizations was making use of one or other type of Mystical diagrams for desired ends though mostly in crude ways. There are evidences of uses of mystical diagrams by people of Harappa and Mohanjadaro civilizations . If we trace back further the early nomadics were having their own system of diagrams and rituals for curing of diseases , warding off animals and spirits and also to control fellow beings. Though no scientific evidences may be available for all these there are numerous references in Hindu civilization and History as evident in Many puranas , Vedas and ancient scriptures.
Evolution Of yanthras:-
Though it may be difficult to know the exact timing of the development of the scientific and systematic preparation of the Yanthras presently being used as per Indian vedic system that is found be scientifically designed and rationally described, there are many references about the same in ancient Sanskrit texts and manuscripts that there were the end result of great Tapas (focused enquiry) and consequent intuitions.
Many an eyebrow may be raised here when I refer about intuitions and Tapas it is matter of fact that there are many such concepts eluding human wisdom, intelligence, and comprehension. The ultimate secret of yanthras is also one among them.
But it is a fact that these are not random generated checks , triangles, circles or other geometrical figures but a systematic ,scientific and well defined complex diagram charged with live syllables representing sounds and they themselves represent the universe and its energy .
How does Yanthras work?
As mentioned above Yanthras are energy centres artificially ,made and designed to attract a particular frequency of energy required for a given situation. In simple terms it may be well compared to the receiving sets of a Television set or Radio that retransmit the picture or voice broad cast at different frequencies. A yanthra on the other hand picks up such type of energies or vibrations required to full fill a desired objective.
The energy so conceived is directed to an individual/s or situations. It is based on the theory of universal soul and individual soul to say the jeevatma and paramatma and all living things take direction from the latter, the central energy source.
The yanthra besides being a complex geometrical diagram also contains Manthras or specific syllables or sound energies. The combination of both is well synchronized and the full power is unleashed.
As we know Manthras energise specific chakras or energy centres of Human body so also Yanthras positively or negatively influences the chakras. One important aspect of Yanthras like manthras are it not only influence the wearer but also the people and situations around him/her.
All the vedic Yanthras have a uniform pattern containing a central point and Syllable like a circle or triangle and syllable like Om or Hreem. The same is surrounded by specified circle petals or any other geometric figures .
Each figure represent a specific energy receiver and as such is unique. For example while a triangle represents a higher active energy the petals usually indicates soothing energy .Of course there are exceptions to all these theories.
The yanthras like a Dynamo generates energy and any kind of Motor can be connected to it. The mechanical device is the intended action and the same runs by the energy it generates.
Some of the mathematical formulas of these diagrams are so complex and infinite like the combinations of Chess that even the super computers are not able to solve or comprehend.
One such instance is of the Sree yanthra or popularly known Shreechakra which is being used for all round prosperity and worship of The Divine mother goddess.
Kinds Of Yanthras and Sources
The yanthras basically are divided into 3 The first kind exclusively for worship the second as a protective charm and realization of positive objectives and the third the despised and those casting spells.
While among the 3 kinds above there are numerous subdivisions classified in the name of different devatahas (deities) and 6 objectives known as shat karmas means 6 different objectives that includes Attraction, annihilation, immobilization, driving out etc.
There are numerous Indian Sanskrit texts like Yanthra chinthamani, Soundarya lahari, Sarada thilakam to mention a few describing over 10000 yanthras and more can be made should some one does really research in different combinations. However the Yanthras explainedin these texts are time tested ones and enjoys credibility.
Having described about the basics , efficacy, evolution and types of yanthras let us see some of the commonly applied Yanthras.
Applied Yanthras
I now give below some of the commonly used and most popular Yanthras for various mundane objectives.
Swayam vara Yanthra
This most effective Yanthra conceived and made by None other than the great sage Durvasa for the sake of those who seek permanent life partners is being used successfully from time immemorial. I have personal experience of people getting stunning results with this yanthra normally drawn in silver or gold thin sheets with required Manthras and other prescribed rituals.
Santhana gopala Yanthra
As the name indicates this yanthra is for begetting good offsprings . Many a Couples longing for children have realized their ambitions by wearing these yanthras.
This should be worn by couples of reproductive age and the result manifest early. Though any medical problems are to be taken care of and clinically to be fit the positive vibratios of this yanthra drives you to right treatment , right doctors and in cases of unexplainable reasons solves the same that is beyond reasoning.
Maha Mrithunjaya Yanthra
The Boon given by the great preceptors of this land of Rishis ??Maha mrithunjaya Yanthra?? representing the ominiscient Lord Shiva manifested as Mrithunjaya or the one who succeeded over death or overcome the cycle of births saves one from deadly diseases , ill health and other evil effects.
Normally prescribed for those who suffers from terminal illness or persistent health problems the Yanthra along with the Havana and the Japa of the same Manthra surely gives solutions to the needy.
Danwanthari Yanthra
This Yanthra representing the lord Danwanthari an incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu
Is effective in health problems. While Maha hrithunjaya is for severe cases this one is good for normal good health.
Tripura Sundari Yanthra
The one that represents the trinities of Mother godess the Maha lakshmi, Mahakali and Maha saraswathi is an excellent charm against evil spirits, and also to build reputation and popularity. Normally used by cine actors , politicians, and those in Marketing field this is also found to be very effective for Job seekers.
There are numerous yanthras useful for the modern man as prescribed by my great preceptors.
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The authour is a Professional Vedic astrologer and Mystic specialised in vedic remedies.He can be contacted for direct consultation in the following site.
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